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Meet Dr. Demeri

Woman's Health Posts

Dr Afrouz Demeri Woman's Health Expert

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  Leaky gut. Either you know it all too well, or you’re wondering what the heck it is. This diagnosis is somewhat new, so unless you’re suffering from it, it’s likely foreign to you. The push to understand this phenomena in recent years has shed some light on the cause of health issues like food […]

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Graves’ Disease: The Mind and Body Behind It   Michelle had been through the wringer. Her blood tests were good…but she felt ill all the time. A woman in her late twenties, she suffered extreme anxiety, restlessness, mood swings, fatigue, irregular periods, and muscle weakness. She was more afraid of losing her mother than sad. […]

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Taking care of your health and body should be FUN! I want to inspire you to move your body and reap all the health benefits that come with it. Whether you need to slow it down and be still with a yoga session, or shake things up with a high-energy Zumba class, get ready to breathe, stretch, and dance the stress away.

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African Zumba

Coronavirus - which treatments are safe

Standing Abs Oblique Workout

Persian Zumba with Dr Demeri

Best Zumba Workout

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